ASRY Sets New Ten-million-manhours Safety Record

The Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard Company (ASRY), has set a new record for the longest period in the yard’s history without a lost time incident. On 13 April 2022, ASRY surpassed 10 million manhours, without an LTI, its longest recorded period of yard-wide safe work since the company was founded in 1977.  

ASRY Managing Director, Mr. Mazen Matar commented, “On this occasion I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and congratulations to all our employees, in particular HES team, our subcontractors, clients, agents, stakeholders and all other parties for their wholehearted support, efforts and contributions to this major and remarkable achievement”. 

Mr. Matar added, “We are extremely proud of the achievement considering the strong volume and diversity of work that has occurred throughout the forgone period. Safety success does not come from a single initiative, but from a multi-faceted cultural shift on an institutional level, that has only been possible through the hundreds of initiatives, process-changes, procedural updates, integrity of processes and procedures, teamwork, and personal commitments to safety guidelines”. 

“This is an ongoing and permanent improvement process to the entire way ASRY operates and will continue to evolve to keep our 5,000+ staff as safe as possible for the foreseeable future.” 

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